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14th OVI 3rd Arkansas

Reenacting Group

The 14th OVI/3rd Arkansas is a non-profit corporation dedicated to remembering the Civil War through Living History and preservation. Our unit is based in the northwest Ohio and the southeast Michigan area. If you have questions or wish to get more information on joining our family oriented group. Please feel free to give us a shout via email.

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14th ovi 3rd arkansas

Reenacting Group

Welcome to the online home of the 14th Ohio Volunteer Infantry and 3rd Arkansas reenacting group. We are a diverse group of re-enactors who are bonded by friendship and a common desire to recreate life during The American Civil War era.

We portray both a Union and a Confederate unit depending on the needs of a particular event to give us a flavor for both sides. I’m sure you have a thousand questions as you get started, the best thing you can do is to ask them! Everyone in our camp is more than willing to be of any help they can to you. If someone doesn’t know the answer to your question, they can point you to someone who does. Asking a question now may save you time, trouble, and expense down the road.

We do parades, ceremonies, school talks, living history encampments and battle reenactments; that range from small living histories to huge national events that attract thousands of re-enactors.

We have also contributed funds and talents to local preservation efforts as well as volunteering at National sites for grounds keeping. We raised over $20,000 to help preserve two of Ohio’s original Civil War battle flags. We've raised funds for tomb stone restoration and historic land preservationas well.

We try to be as accurate as possible in bringing the life of a Civil War soldier to the spectators at our events. We don’t bring the lice, disease or rancid food; but we do try to represent as much as possible what it was like in the army of the 1860’s. Our Civilian re-enactors participate as well. They are involved in cooking, sewing, quilting, weaving, and other various aspects of 1860’s life. Our unit is family oriented and is always looking for new recruits to join in on the fun.